My Children. My Opinions. My Tales.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Famous Last words...

Yes, I have been MIA.

Stuck in a whirlwind of playing catch-up of all my household duties and working 60+ hours a week. I am pooped!

I am hoping to continue blogging, because this has been a blast for me. But I can't even seem to keep up with my dishes...

Anyways, here is a little Jelly bean fix:

"Mommy, who made all this stuff?" she asked.

I said, "Well, I guess God did."

She asked, "Why?"

I said, "Honey?" looking at her daddy.

You see, he loves these, I would rather stick to the basics like - "Mommy, milk comes out of cow's butts." "No sweetie, milk comes from a cow's utters." "What are utters?"

On second thought...maybe not!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yumm - cow poop!!!! :-)